My dimensions for the rivet positions in the bottom part of fig 5 have been mis-interpreted when redrawn and I seem to have missed it when checking them. It is all a bit crowded even when using three drawings for all the dimensions! The 1/4" is to the bottom pair of rivets and the 1" is to the top pair, both from the base of the frame.
Unfortunately I did the drawings in my pre-turbocad days and Corel Draw's auto-dimensioning seems to be optimised for architectural drawings of big buildings not tiny locos!
The hornblock cut-out is 1 1/4" high and 3/4" wide, I think i suggest using the hornblocks themselves as a gauge (the Reeves ones are hot pressed and very accurate, other suppliers may use sand castings).
As other suppliers hornblocks may have ribs in slightly different places, it's probably best to spot through from the blocks to the frames rather than the other way around.
I'll change the topic for this thread to drawing corrections.