Did not say the centres are concentric, you can work out the centre position of the 1.193R with trig.
The base of the triangle is the 1.189" dimension, the hypotinuse the radius of the circle 1.193, the short side is the end of the frame which works out at 0.0095" above the line of the axle box cutouts.
This is what I come out with when using the drawing dimensions in Alibre, you should be able to see the three springing points of teh arcs highlighted and notice the one for the 0.583" is above the 1.193", click to enlarge.

Though my feeling is that the 1.193" radius is wrong as it pouts the front buffer lower than it looks or the illustrator has not plotted the positions correctly which is quite possible as the junction between th etwo small curves is not exactly flowing
Edited By JasonB on 03/12/2013 18:23:55