Can someone please confirm the dimensions on the Smokebox Pipe Plate drawing.
According to the drawing there is a 8BA clearance hole between the 5/16″ and the 1/4″ holes.
The center to center dimension between the 1/4″ and 8BA hole is give as 11/64″ …. now if my maths is correct this only leaves approx 1/256″ between the two holes. (No room for the head of a bolt/screw/rivet)
8BA clearance = 2.2mm = 0.086″ =11/128 … (radius = 11/256″)
11/64″ – 1/8″ (radius of 1/4″ hole) = 3/64″ = 12/256″
12/256″ – 11/256″ = 1/256″ (approx 4 thou)
Is this correct …. seems a bit too close to me.
(On the drawing it appeas that it should be approx 5/16″ – Mid point between the 2 centers)