I guess that you know that Don Young designed and described a 7.25″ gauge IOW Terrier ‘Newport’. I assume that the cut-outs are standard amongst the class.
I have checked the Don Young drawings (sheet 3, illustrated Locomotives Large and Small No.52, August 1992) and these seem to be the relevant details as drawn by Don…..
Both the cut-outs shown as 1 7/16″ (one and seven sixteenths) high, and rounded to that diameter at each end. The radius centre to radius center of the end radii of the front -cut-out is 2 3/8″ (two and three eighths), that of the rear cut-out is 3 5/8″ (three and five eighths).
The bottom edge of both cut-outs is 5/8″ (five eighths) above the frame edge immediately below the cut-outs.
The center of the radii nearest the center wheels of the two cut-outs are 2 13/16″ (two and thirteen sixteenths) from the centre-line of the middle axle.
Hopefully some of that fits with the ‘Evans’ drawings.
There also seems to be a round openings to the rear of the rear axle, but I guess Mr Evans has specified that position. Don makes that 1 7/16″ (one and seven sixteenths) diameter too.
Edited By Weary on 23/04/2011 11:41:32