The current DRO setup you have looks like the ones sold by Arceuro. I am pretty sure they are capacitive type, the same as digital calipers. In fact they look like digital calipers but fitted with an output socket.
Unfortunately, they won’t be compatible with your new display unit which is designed for magnetic or optical scales which have a different output format.
I think you have 2 options : buy new scales or return the new display unit if possible and buy or make an interface to use your existing scales with the TouchDRO app using an android tablet as the display. I have this system on my mini lathe and on my mill. They both use diy interface circuits I made myself. I have used modified Lidl digital calipers on the mini lathe and Arceuro scales on my mill (though they are different to the ones you have).
Here is the link to the TouchDRO developers site: **LINK**
Or I suppose a 3rd option : use them as they are.
Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 28/05/2021 20:09:28