. Hi Malcolm, I built one of these many years ago ( about fifty five). There are two things that come to mind about it. The first concerns the lay shaft from which the drive is taken. If you use the size of gears specified, then the cotter in the big end is fowled by the layshaft. I increased the tooth count on each gear by five, and it was fine. The second was a mistake in the beam casting. The boss that surrounds the inner pin of the parallel motion. It is slightly in the wrong place. It is essential that the pin is correctly located, so I machined the misplaced boss away (on both sides), and turned up replacement bosses which I fitted around the pin with adhesive. I did tell Reeves about it at the time, but I don,t know if the patern was ever corrected. Other than these two things, the build went well, and I was still quite a novice at the time. Good luck with it.