Posted by ega on 15/02/2019 16:28:48:
Could all this be sent on an SD card?
I'd rather wetransfer, it's very easy to use and I don't end up being held responsible for an easily lost small bit of plastic (or having to drive all the way to the sorting office to collect if I'm not there to sign for a letter). USB keys can cause envelopes to split and fall out. Some people use CDs which are OK but occasionally they won't read properly, but I don't feel bound to return them.
Wetransfer is very easy, go to the website, choose the free option, enter mine and your email addresses, add a short message, drop your files on the window, the click send.
I get an email letting me know I have a week to download the files. I don't need any password or account or for it to be sent to a particular email address. There is no reduction is size or quality (as often happens with Apple emails), and I get all the files in a zip folder – some other solutions can force me to download many files one at a time.
Your files disappear after a week so you don't have to worry about them sitting with a third party for ever.
If the upload time is a worry to you, your images are probably too big 
I'm not on wetransfer commission!
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 15/02/2019 18:31:21