A note of advise for anyone starting the hobby on buying machines.
This from a lifetimes worth of observation.
Firstly men only see in primary colours, usually only the 7 Microsoft default colours. Women see in shades and not primary colours, ever seen a woman decorate anything machine gray or green ? No, never happens and this is where we can use this to out advantage.
Because they don't see these primary colours make sure that all your purchases are in these colours, the closer the better.
How it works is they come into the workshop, realise something is different but because they can't 'see' as in a laid out domestic situation they cannot take in the whole scene.
Next question is "Is that new ? " to which you replay "No it used to be stood there but I moved it " and because if you are clever / not made your mind up where everything should go, there is a ring of truth to this.
So the answer is at the beginning buy all the same colour if you can, if you can't buy a tin of paint, move stuff about a lot and soon they get that confused that sooner than admit they are flummoxed they soon loose interest and go back to rearranging furniture.
Once you have reached 5 machines or 7 metric tonnes, whichever comes first you know you have won and are safe.