G'day Dias.
My uncle once built skyscrapers in Hong Kong, KL etc.
When I visited I asked him the secret of his success.
He said 'Danny, once I realised that bamboo scaffolding actually works, no problems'.
Where I live in Australia, sometimes parts are not easy to obtain, so we resort to what is fondly known as 'bush mechanics'. If it get's the job done, and nobody is killed then it a success. I recently watched a TV program where indigenous Australians were given several challenges. The best one was where the people stuffed a flat tyre with grass. It got them home. When I was in the Australian Army, a mate made a Land Rover distributor cover from the stop light cover assembly. It won him a $500 reward from the Army suggestions scheme.
Creative thinking Dias. Well done.
Regards from the land of the kangaroo
* Danny M *