I have just had a nice personalised email from the editor of MEW which is a sort of newsletter. It gives (and links to) a preview of the next MEW issue.
I get many email newsletters and notifications from many sources, these usually have an 'Unsubscribe' option (I have a feeling its s mandatory requirement) at the bottom of the page. The MEW news email has this as well but it also has a 'Manage subscriptions' link.
Out of interest I clicked on the manage subs link and it takes me to my magazine subscription page, fair enough. However, I did not try the unsubscribe because I don't actually want to stop the newsletters and I was wary that it might unsubscribe me from the paper magazine.
So, does 'unsubsribe' stop the newletter only, or does it just take me to the manage subscription page?
The image in the email is blank, although clicking on the placeholder works.