I well tought that I’ll get the whole works when I did the subscription. The names, fees and logic didn’t guite open up. I tought that digital subscription was an alternative to the paper subscription or something. My mistake.
I still don’t quite get it.
On Archive page there is an announcement, that if you buy access to it, I can view MEW issues from 1990 to 2006.
Well, as an subscriber I’ll get some back issues from #146 (Jan/2009) to latest.
What is the story with issues that are left out here?
Do I need to pay yet another fee to gain an acess on these “intermediate” numbers, that are apparently left out from both of these “programmes”?
What I’m getting with this “digital issues” deal? Fixed amout of back issues acess? Does some magazines drops out or do I keep on accumulating issues I have a acess to?
Either way I won’t be desvastated, this is not larger than a life issue. Believe me – I have bigger issues than this.