I was much saddened to hear of Ted's passing. I met him a couple of times; on the first occasion he – well, more accurately son John – was trying to photograph a very nice 3" Allchin at a track in Lancashire. I rather got in the way of things – unintentionally – and it having eventually penetrated my thick skull what was going on, I stood back and had a very pleasant conversation with Ted as John got busy. I took a photo of the scene. John's photo eventually graced the front cover of ME – as many of his photos did.
I wrote to Ted shortly after, and enclosed a copy of my photo, showing John crouching down at a very uncomfortable angle to get his photo of the Allchin. Ted duly published my "Photo of a photographer" in one of his Smoke Rings to illustrate how cover photos were obtained.
Ted also worked like a Trojan to boost the ME Exhibitions (sigh.. remember them…?) and drove up and down the country to collect and subsequently return models and exhibits from model engineering clubs. Usually in appalling weather… We got to see a lot of exhibits that would otherwise have stayed in the far reaches of the country.
Ted was very helpful when I ran my Clayton steam wagon at one of the exhibitions – another of his excellent ideas was the "Clayton Driver of the Year" competition.
Great idea to write your own obituary, though; at least there's nobody to blame if it's incorrect!