Thanks for your responses. I have found the articles you mentioned. So the complete list of references is below.
I intend building such a steam generator for my 5" G Simplex which I am finishing (started 40 years ago) now that I am retired.
References to steam turbo-generators
"Miniature Steam Turbo-generators" by E. Rowbottom, M.E. Nov 18, 1954, VOL III NO. 2791
(continued from p.578, Nov 11, 1954)
Issue Nr page
156 3769 76 Terry Timms Loco Steam Turbo Generator Sweet Pea
158 3795 208 Keith Wilson Loco Ariel 26 S.R. Merchant Navy 5" Generator
158 3792 44 A. Sherwood Loco Tinkerbell, American Switcher 3 0-6-0 5" Turbo Alternator
201 4332 211 Raymond McMahon "A miniature steam turbine turbo generator" (August 2008)
201 4334 329 Raymond McMahon "A miniature steam turbine turbo generator" (September 2008)
209 4439 424 Raymond McMahon "Building a Darjeeling Himalayan Class 0-4-0 Tank Locomotive in 3.5in. gauge" Part 42 (Sept. 2012)
209 4443 736 Raymond McMahon "Building a Darjeeling Himalayan Class 0-4-0 Tank Locomotive in 3.5in. gauge" Part 43 (Nov. 2012)