I didn’t intend to start a bun fight but moving on
Posted by Diane Carney on 10/01/2014 10:06:33:
I have had nothing but positive feedback since I decided to aim for at least one 'Workshop Topic' per issue (which doesn't always happen, I know). The two magazines still have their own distinct character – you are unlikely, for instance, to find any model making article in ME.
I'm in the positive feedback camp for ME. Every month there is something new that adds to the improving quality of the magazine. The articles "Problems of combustion in small i/c engines" and "locomotive adhesion" were cases in point. However, there have been a few articles in MEW that were marginally ME territory.
The point I was making was if the two magazines don’t ensure they retain their identities through their content they could come to the position where one or the other becomes irrelevant.
Posted by Ian S C on 10/01/2014 12:42:30:
I'm not really sure why there was a split in the first place, ME did alright for near 100 years on its own, starting as "Model Engineer & Amateur Electrician". I think Diane is heading in the right direction. Ian S C
I’m thinking along the lines of Ian. I imagine that some point back there was so much material available that a split was the obvious. MTM or whoever they were at the time had an opportunity increase their readership, and more importantly their advertising revenue.
Now that so much is done online on the various forums, including what could be seen as interactive build articles, I imagine that written articles are harder to come by *. There could well come a point when MTM, in order to maintain quality, may need to balance the economics of running what could become two similar magazines.
In my case on renewing my subscriptions ME is renewed without thinking about it, but with MEW I consider whether I want to do it every time. If it comes about that there is no point of difference between the two I’ll be dropping one in favour of one of the alternatives.
* (Stewart Hart has the right idea, he does both by posting builds online and then writing them up as articles.)