Hi Gents and thanks for your comments.
Sid……Before trying out the off-line reader for my comments in this thread I actually re-installed the reader direct from the PocketMags site, did not un-install as was concerned that I would loose all my downloaded mags..Anyway will have another go and "print" icon is definitely not on my screen.
Having "only" 58 posts on this site I had not gotten around to finding that the editor HAD a spell checker, must use it…Ta ever so much..
Neil…..I'll give the "Edit" function a try, except when posting while on line I usually make up any posts in Notebook or Word and use the appropriate spell checker. FF spell checker seems to work on most websites. In another thread someone mentioned that this editor "times out" if you take too long writing up a post, but certainly did not happen in my post about PocketMags. So I can use this editor with more confidence.
I find using this website a bit like learning some new Windows software, "we" are the beta users discovering all the "anomalies"..
In all the excitement I forgot to check out the iTunes access to the issues will do that tomorrow.
Those Koala bears were very friendly, must try that again to "unwind"..
Just tried the spell checker, does anyone know what SCAYT is ?? as the checker wants it enabled or disabled.
Brian K
NB..just trying the edit function…ie..left click on the new posting and "back" so that your posting re-apears in the edit box..
wow!! it works, thanks Neil, but where is the date thingy ??