Actually I understand that you can get a cheque in the post from David, but you have to write more than just a few words of praise on the web site.
I would agree with the general sentiments, at least as far as ME is concerned, since I don’t usually see MEW. Two magazines must actually be quite a significant workload.
Hear Hear! -No cheques please I only accept cash in plain brown envelopes-. One critism of the system (and a constructive one I hope). There ought to be a way of reporting ‘problems with the website’ which is divorced from the main ‘threads’. This way it will go straight the ‘techies’ without them having to search through the postings for them.
I`m not looking for a check in the post but I will take this opportunity to thank David for all his efforts with both mags and this site -well done! Have taken ME since June,1962 and MEW from first issue, so have seen Editors come + go like politicians but the current one is the best by far.Long may you stay, David!
There ought to be a way of reporting ‘problems with the website’ which is divorced from the main ‘threads’. This way it will go straight the ‘techies’ without them having to search through the postings for them.
Hi Dick,
Whilst one does not want to clog up the site with people complaining, sorry, showing their concerns at a possible problem, how are others to know that their own complaint, sorry again, concern is more widespread than just their own ‘puter?
If any site problems are sent straight to the techies, bypassing the Editor/Moderator, who would know? Did you not know that techies are as infallible as “Da Papa”, (until someone further up the food chain kicks their butt.) and never admit mistakes?
One fault is an anomaly, but half a dozen is a system failure. There is strength through numbers, you know.
PS for those wishing to have a spell checker, and for free, Goggle Chrome seems to work for me.
l would like to echo the comments made by both Richard Parsons and John Coleman, David, you do a great (and often thankless) task. It is often a difficult task moderating forums and as a support engineer for a web hosting company, I sympathise with you when customers expectations are greater than the service level you have advertised to provide. That said, there was never any SLA stated for this forum and, as with any new service, there will be teething problems and ongoing improvements.
There are ways in which the site and forum could be improved. There is already a Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions area where comments for improvements and grips can be posted without detracting from the predominant reason for this forum’s existence.
I can agree with the praise (must be a thankless job often), but would like less railway related content, but do understand its a large part of this hobby in more civilized parts of the world. Few such clubs in under populated Sweden! I did have a good time in Belgium this summer tho where I visited one such club!
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