Peter Rich Build Serials


Peter Rich Build Serials

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    Roger L
      Two or three times over recent years the prospect of a GWR loco build serial from Peter Rich has been previewed in ME, but nothing new has been mentioned recently — unless I have missed it.  Is such a serial still on the cards? 
      Roger L
        David Clark 13
          Hi There
          The serial is still on.
          Pete Rich is very ill and I am reluctant to start something I can’t finish.
          It is the Dean Single 4-2-0 and a 4-4-0.
          Series is part written but all drawings are complete.
          Will chase it up today.
          regards David
          Roger L
            Thanks for the update.
            Sorry to hear Peter is unwell.

            Edited By Roger Labbett on 21/06/2010 11:31:41

            Laurence B
              Also sorry to read that Peter Rich is not very well.I hope he can complete the series on his two loco designs.I’ve always enjoyed Mr.Rich’s previous contributions to M.E. and am looking forward to seeing his work hopefully being published.
              Sub Mandrel
                I’m no loco builder, but I enjoy Peter’s writings; I hope he can still manage a reel on the pipes now and then.
                Please add my best wishes to what Im sure will be a good bunch.
                I do appreciate the  writers who add a bit of off-topic colour to their articles; the style is one of the constants of ME back to the real old days when my Dad was a twinkle in my grandfather’s eye.
                Bob Clare

                  I am anxious to learn the latest regarding Peter Rich. I would very much like to contact him regarding my next project which is to rebuild a Victorian scratch 4-2-2 which was obviously based (loosely) on the Dean Single.

                  However, I don't wish to bother Peter if he is still unwell. Please let me know and, if OK, pass on my details to him.

                  I am missing some of the earlier write-ups in Model Engineer (I have the initial intro article and articles 9 to 15) so I would like to get copies of the missing ones in due course.

                  Thanks for any help anyone can give.

                  Bob Clare

                  David Clark 13

                    Hi Bob

                    Email me direct and I will pass details on.

                    regards David

                    David Leahy 1

                      Dear David,

                      I have been digging out old copies of ME to read up about Dean Single Build by Peter Rich. The serialisation comes to an end at Part 16 and I cannot find anything in future editions of ME magazine.

                      Having now seen this old thread am I to assume Peter passed before the serialisation was completed?

                      I had heard of Peter in various model engineering circles. What an amazing engineer he was.

                      Best regards,


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