Hmmmm. Where does this leave that companion cliche, “ahead of the curve”?
There seem two meanings of the “learning curve” itself.
One is that difficulty and advancement rises w.r.t time, which suggests if the curve is concave then either:
– the subject becomes harder to learn. Or:
– one’s progress rises more rapidly w.r.t., by accumulated knowledge and experience.
Not the same because our individual limits affect the function, and may bring us to a convex profile (slowing), even a plateau (stasis at that level) followed by decline (the subject is becoming personally too hard)
So to “ahead of the curve”.
Since if the graph is rising with time, anywhere later than any point on the line is below the line. (If above it is behind the line, i.e. on a curve steeper than that of the original, by either of the foregoing definitions.)
So I submit that if one is “ahead” of the curve, it means one finds the subject much harder to learn than one’s peers do, to the same level. Or at best, is simply taking longer to study it.
If however the graph is declining, I submit being “ahead” of it means one continues to be more knowledgeable than those on that part of the curve.
No further questions, M’lud.