ChatGPT – need we worry?


ChatGPT – need we worry?

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    Robin Graham
      Robin Graham

        I was having an over-the-internet discussion with someone tonight and the we 'talked' about cryptic crossword clues. I mentioned the well known offering from the late Bob Smithies (Bunthorne in the Guardian):

        Amundsen's forwarding address (4)

        If you paste that into Google you'll get the solution (it's MUSH) in less than 500ms. ChatGPT says:

        rose-invert light">

        The crossword clue "Amundsen's forwarding address (4)" appears to be a play on words, suggesting a four-letter word that relates to the famous Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.

        One possible answer could be "Pole." Roald Amundsen is well-known for being the first person to reach the South Pole, so "Pole" could be considered his "forwarding address" in a playful sense.

        That surprised me in that I thought it knew everything that have ever been published on the internet. Quite impressive other ways though – the language, whilst simple, seems correct and convincing.

        I also asked how to tactfully alert my correspondent to a spelling error (I'll get it's opinion on split infinitives anon) and was advised, in summary, to be, um,tactful. Not nasty or judgemental. When I asked how flag the error brutally I I was 'strongly advised' to be, um, tactful.

        Well, admirable advice from my present point of view, but surely it's value laden? When I was a schoolboy (about 100 years ago) the masters thought that the best way was humiliation, detentions and the cane and as a result I can now spill purfecly.

        I suppose that the danger is that the technology might present opinion or hearsay as fact.




        Edited By Robin Graham on 23/09/2023 01:09:50

          Posted by Robin Graham on 23/09/2023 01:08:27:

          That surprised me in that I thought it knew everything that have ever been published on the internet.

          I suppose that the danger is that the technology might present opinion or hearsay as fact.


          But is that not exactly how ChatGPT works? It does not "understand" what it is saying; rather, it is an incredibly powerful engine that reads and analyses collections of words that it has found on the internet and repeats them. The way in which it does this is only a little short of miraculous in that it can extract some kind of query from what the user types in and can then find a form of words that is often very close to answering it. But at the end of the day it is an example of the old IT principle of "garbage in, garbage out" and if it "learns" from browsing the internet, it is always llikely to pick up a bit of dross from time to time. If it finds 100 entries saying that the earth is flat and only 1 saying that is it spherical, it is going to repeat accepted wisdom and gossip. After all, it must be true if you read it on Facebook…

          S K

            ChatGPT and its ilk does not have a memory of verbatim text from the internet, though the ability to look things up is being added to it so it can fact-check its own output. It also does not explicitly "repeat" anything verbatim, since it doesn't remember any of that anyway.

            What it does have is an incredibly vast network of the strengths of connections between words – many billions of them. So the word "Merry" has a strong connection to the word "Christmas," for example, but a weak connection to "hubcap." Then, provide it with a prompt, and it will assemble a response based on those connections in a probabilistic fashion – prompt "merry" and it will probably choose "Christmas" rather than "hubcap".

            Words only have meaning by those connections with other words, and actual knowledge is also embedded in those connections, to the extent that, by dint of those connections, ChatGPT can pass college admissions exams, etc.

            I'd even argue that we ourselves work somewhat similarly to ChatGPT when we write.

            Also: Should we worry? Yes. First, you and I – at least unless you are a billionaire – will never have as much power as the giant companies that are trying their best to monopolize their control over AI. We will only suffer under their power. Second, the next stage in AI's evolution would be super-human intelligence, and by definition no one knows what will happen after that. Maybe it will mark a new age of wonder and unimaginable benefits for mankind (cure cancer…), or maybe you will wake up one morning and every single bank account in the world will have been emptied, and all humanity enslaved forever or dismissively extinguished.


            Edited By S K on 23/09/2023 15:01:22

              Posted by Robin Graham on 23/09/2023 01:08:27:…

              I suppose that the danger is that the technology might present opinion or hearsay as fact.

              Artificial Intelligence might well catch that disease. It's pandemic because most humans prefer opinion and hearsay to fact. Not only is collecting and understanding evidence hard work, but people reject difficult truths that upset them. Be interesting to see if AI becomes as dishonest as humans!

              I'm surprised ChatGPT didn't suggest EDEN as the answer to Amundsen's forwarding address. Amundsen disappeared in 1928 on a rescue mission, suggesting God called Amundsen home because He loved him too much. In comparison to a clear case of divine intervention is it likely a Norwegian knew 'mush' was the 'go forward' command given in Canada to Huskies? I don't believe Amundsen ever said 'mush', or that his hounds knew what it meant…



              Bill Phinn
                Posted by S K on 23/09/2023 14:41:00:

                Words only have meaning by those connections with other words

                I'd say it's not necessarily the connection of words with other words that gives them meaning, but words with context.

                When a swimmer is in trouble in the sea and only has enough breath to shout "Help!", or a blaze has started at an ammunition store and someone only has time to shout "Fire!", where are the other words here that you seem to be saying are necessary to provide meaning? The meaning of each of these single words in each of these cases is perfectly clear to any rational human being, thanks to the context, which is itself wholly non-verbal, in which they're uttered.

                When a school bully knees a weaker boy in the groin, and the latter, grimacing, says sarcastically, "Thanks, I really appreciated that", how is it the connection between words here that gives the utterance its true meaning, and not the way in which, and the context in which, the words are spoken?

                S K

                  There are many situations in which a scream is all that is needed to confer meaning. You could call that a proto-word. And of course external context (drowning or fire) is always helpful in refining meaning ("help" or "danger!" ). But in many if not most cases of written matter, the context is provided primarily by other words. And that context isn't just the words that are immediately being used, the point is that it includes the whole corpus of language.

                  The crazy thing that ChatGPT is proving is just how much actual information and knowledge is embedded in the connections between words. This isn't the old-school "if then else" kind of hand-wired knowledge, nor is it brute-force computation as in Deep Blue. With only weights (strengths of connections) between basically every word and every other word, it can do things like solve the above crossword puzzle. That is an amazing revelation!

                  Edited By S K on 23/09/2023 18:04:32

                  Bill Phinn
                    Posted by S K on 23/09/2023 18:04:20:

                    But in many if not most cases of written matter, the context is provided primarily by other words. And that context isn't just the words that are immediately being used, the point is that it includes the whole corpus of language.

                    I'm afraid I'm not quite clear what bearing this ultimately has on real-life situations such as those I've outlined above where the context for the meaning of a word or words isn't provided by further words, but by non-verbal or non-vocal components.

                    How successfully can AI currently deal with the non-verbal/vocal aspects of context? My impression is not very well at all. AI that is currently supposed to be able to detect sarcasm, for example, in written communications, apparently does so by looking at "Certain words in specific combinations [that] can be a predictable indicator of sarcasm". This way of proceeding would be hopeless at detecting sarcasm in the playground bully situation I set out above.

                    S K

                      Well, the computer can't see contexts such as an actual fire or bullying or other non-verbal context, it just works on what it's given, and hence it has certain limitations. But if you added verbal context such as saying "there's a fire!", "there's a bully kicking someone," etc., it would likely do reasonably well.

                      Researchers are also tying various AI systems together, such as connecting text generation with picture generation and math facilities. Research in vision is a pretty tough problem, as Tesla is finding, but that's getting there too.

                      As amazing as they can be already (and also still lame at times), these new generative systems are still in their infancy. Companies, Universities and sovereign states are racing to build ever larger models, and because their "intelligence" scales with the size of the models, they will continue to improve.

                      It's both hopeful and scary.

                      Michael Gilligan

                        As a slight digression …

                        Stephen Fry was suitably impressed [and more than a little annoyed] by the AI cloning of his voice:

                        … Story available in the Evening Standard, and presumably elsewhere.




                        Speaking at the tech-based CogX festival in London, he played a clip of a history documentary that faked his voice, without his knowledge. It appears as though the actor is narrating the show but the AI-generated voice was actually created by technology learning from Fry reading all seven of the Harry Potter audiobooks.

                        “I said not one word of that, it was a machine,” Fry told attendees, as reported by the Guardian. “Yes, it shocked me. They used my reading of the seven volumes of the Harry Potter books and, from that dataset, an AI of my voice was created and it made that new narration.

                        “It could… have me read anything, from a call to storm parliament to hard porn, all without my knowledge and without my permission. And this, what you just heard, was done without my knowledge.

                        Edited By Michael Gilligan on 23/09/2023 20:08:52


                          The Fry example shows how some, a very small sample of the population, will be affected by AI just as say thatchers were put out of work by the availability of clay tiles. But after a period even they have had a resurgence of employment as aspects of their work were found desirable.
                          Very little of what I have done this week would be done by a machine or benefit from AI. Pity none of it is a paying job either.

                          duncan webster 1

                            Artificial intelligence is no match for human stupidity


                              The combination of Michael's comments about Stephen Fry, and this little video I came across the other day are potentially quite frightening.
                              On the fly language translation, where you are shown speaking a different language, complete with lip sync on a manipulated video output.

                              Click on the video to watch it on Youtube, where you will also get subtitles; all very impressive, but a tad worrying if if misused my maleficent actors.


                              Edited By peak4 on 24/09/2023 01:28:01

                              Michael Gilligan



                                … and there’s a very disturbing story from the real world on BBC News this morning:

                                AI-generated naked child images shock Spanish town of Almendralejo



                                Edit: Stepping back a little from that ^^^ 

                                It may be of interest to see how effective such graphic work has become …

                                Look for a report in the Independent on Wednesday 20-Sept.

                                “People are obsessed with a 24-year-old AI influencer – this is why her developer created her”

                                Edited By Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 06:53:25

                                Gary Wooding

                                  Take a look at THIS thread to see how reliable AI can be.

                                  Michael Gilligan
                                    Posted by Gary Wooding on 24/09/2023 09:47:11:

                                    Take a look at THIS thread to see how reliable AI can be.


                                    Been there, contributed, and didn’t get an answer to my question

                                    … shows how reliable humans can be sad


                                    Gary Wooding
                                      Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 09:57:10:

                                      Been there, contributed, and didn’t get an answer to my question

                                      … shows how reliable humans can be sad


                                      Did I miss the question?

                                      Michael Gilligan
                                        Posted by Gary Wooding on 24/09/2023 10:23:07:

                                        Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 09:57:10:

                                        Been there, contributed, and didn’t get an answer to my question

                                        … shows how reliable humans can be sad


                                        Did I miss the question?


                                        The question was directed to another contributor

                                        … off for a walk now but will post references later


                                        Michael Gilligan

                                          … it is now ‘later’


                                          09/08/2023 08:47:11

                                          9/08/2023 08:57:08

                                          09/08/2023 11:36:33

                                          09/08/2023 15:33:09


                                          It is perfectly reasonable that Rob might confuse AI with AI

                                          but I was trying to understand how [any version of ] AI prompted thoughts of Aluminium

                                          .. I offered my hypothesis



                                          Now wish I had never mentioned it.

                                          Robin Graham

                                            Thanks to all for replies.

                                            Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 23/09/2023 17:21:05


                                            I'm surprised ChatGPT didn't suggest EDEN as the answer to Amundsen's forwarding address. Amundsen disappeared in 1928 on a rescue mission, suggesting God called Amundsen home because He loved him too much. In comparison to a clear case of divine intervention is it likely a Norwegian knew 'mush' was the 'go forward' command given in Canada to Huskies? I don't believe Amundsen ever said 'mush', or that his hounds knew what it meant…



                                            Well yes! My reason for presenting this challenge to ChatGPT was that it needs some very 'human' reasoning to solve. I'd be surprised if anyone solved the clue 'cold' when it appeared. I certainly didn't – I needed crossing letters, say _U_H.

                                            Because the thing about Amundsen using dogs on the South pole expedition was closer to the surface of my mind than his disappearance and there is an association (albeit incorrect) between Huskies and "mush" (I gather it's Hike! nowadays) in my mind, I solved the clue and knew that was the answer. That certainty was the result of a complicated web of associations which inter alia involved 'that's just the sort of dirty trick Bunthorne would pull'.

                                            To give ChatGPT a better chance I gave crossing letters. Me and ChatGPT:

                                            Can you solve a crossword clue for me?

                                            Of course, I'd be happy to help you solve a crossword clue! Please provide me with the clue, and if you have any letters that are already filled in, let me know those as well.

                                            The clue is: Amundsen's forwarding address? (4) It conforms to the pattern ?U?H

                                            rose-invert light”>

                                            The answer to the crossword clue "Amundsen's forwarding address? (4)" with the pattern ?U?H is "SOUTH." Roald Amundsen was a famous Norwegian explorer who is known for being the first person to reach the South Pole, hence the reference to "SOUTH" as his forwarding address in this crossword clue.

                                            [perhaps I should have given a proper regex? But we now have an assertion of the 'correct' answer.]

                                            The solution must have four letters as indicated by (4) in the clue. Can you try again?

                                            I apologize for the oversight. Given the pattern ?U?H and the requirement for a four-letter word, the correct answer to the crossword clue "Amundsen's forwarding address?" is "RUSH."

                                            ['Correct' is now explicit. I answer using the same word.]

                                            Thank you. The correct answer is "MUSH". Can you explain how the clue works?

                                            rose-invert light”>

                                            Certainly! The clue "Amundsen's forwarding address?" with the pattern ?U?H is a clever play on words.

                                            1. "Amundsen" refers to Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer known for his expedition to the South Pole.
                                            2. "Forwarding address" suggests that you should think about where Amundsen was heading or moving toward during his famous expedition.
                                            3. The pattern ?U?H hints at a four-letter word where the second letter is "U," and the last letter is "H."

                                            Putting these clues together, you get the word "MUSH." In the context of Roald Amundsen's expedition to the South Pole, "mush" refers to the command used to urge sled dogs to move forward. So, it's a clever way of linking Amundsen's journey to the word "mush" as a forwarding command for his sled dogs.

                                            [That's pretty impressive! We got there in the end.]

                                            That is the correct explanation. I have no further questions at present.

                                            I'm glad I could help explain the crossword clue to you! If you ever have more questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Happy crossword solving!

                                            Good God. I hardly know what to say. That's creepy.


                                            Kiwi Bloke

                                              Well that's indeed creepy! It's also vastly more 'intelligent' than the nonsense I have got, repeatedly, from the (assumed) 'phone help (misnomer) line at a major UK high-street bank. Those jokers' jobs are surely under threat…

                                              It's scary because, like politicians, the answers are glib and plausible, but almost impossible to check for correctness – unless you already know the answer. If you don't trust politicians, you shouldn't trust this sort of software! It will flood the internet with AI-generated content, but what will it do for the signal-to-noise ratio?

                                              Although it's said to be based on the probability of words following other words, it must have been elaborated to extend the analysis of the text beyond single words, to phrases and beyond, if only to 'understand' the context. It is doubtless be a small computational step to parse text to extract ever more complex concepts, and then link them together (probabilistically?). The example given suggests it's well on the way to that. And that's worrying.

                                              Philosophical question: if something works indistinguishably as if it's conscious, intelligent, whatever, isn't that effectively the same? How do you know I'm not an unconscious zombie, just acting my simulation of conscious thought pretty effectively?

                                              Bill Phinn
                                                Posted by Kiwi Bloke on 25/09/2023 01:32:16:

                                                How do you know I'm not an unconscious zombie, just acting my simulation of conscious thought pretty effectively?

                                                Because we know zombies don’t exist, but belong to the realms of the supernatural.

                                                If something contributing regularly to an internet forum appears intelligent and conscious but is not actually a human being, then it’s either an alien from outerspace or, far more probably, a lifeless creation of human ingenuity.

                                                Michael Gilligan

                                                  Posted by Robin Graham on 25/09/2023 00:00:02:


                                                  Good God. I hardly know what to say. That's creepy.



                                                  Clearly you are more than a match for it, Robin … but my ‘take-away’ from this is that the thing is already capable of teaching someone how to think !


                                                  Neil Wyatt

                                                    We've recently had to review a first post in response to an online question. The style and layout of the post made it almost certain that it was AI generated.

                                                    • Was this a scammer?
                                                    • A well-meaning attempt to help?
                                                    • Or a test by an AI company (rumours are that they 'test out' AI by inserting it into discussion forums (In nearly typed forii…

                                                    All I can be certain of is there will be more examples.


                                                    Neil Wyatt

                                                      I thought I'd ask ChatGPT for advice (it didn't mention the big clue which is AI loves to make numbered or bulleted lists in response to a question!):

                                                      1. Lack of Personalization: AI-generated content often lacks a personal touch and may not contain specific, individualized details or information.

                                                      2. Unusual Language or Style: AI-generated content might exhibit a strange or inconsistent writing style, grammar errors, or awkward phrasing that a human writer would likely avoid.

                                                      3. Repetitive Patterns: AI may generate content with repetitive patterns or phrases. Look for redundancy in the text.

                                                      4. Rapid Production: AI can produce content at an incredibly fast rate. If you notice an account or source consistently publishing an unusually high volume of content, it could be a sign of automation.

                                                      5. Inhuman Speed: Check the response time for chatbots or automated social media accounts. They often respond almost instantly, regardless of the time of day.

                                                      6. Lack of In-Depth Knowledge: AI may provide information on a wide range of topics but might lack depth and context in its responses.

                                                      7. Incoherent or Nonsensical Content: AI-generated content can sometimes produce sentences or paragraphs that do not make sense or are disjointed.

                                                      8. Examine User Accounts: Check the profiles of users or accounts posting content. If a profile seems suspicious, with limited information, stock images, or a lack of personal interactions, it might be automated.

                                                      9. Reverse Image Search: If you suspect an image is AI-generated, you can perform a reverse image search to see if it appears on multiple websites or is associated with AI-generated content.

                                                      10. Be Cautious of Automation Tools: Tools that automate content generation, such as chatbots and content generators, can be a source of AI-generated content. Look for disclaimers or indications of automation.

                                                      11. Monitor for Trends: Keep an eye on emerging AI-generated content trends and technologies, as AI capabilities are continually evolving.

                                                      12. Trust Reliable Sources: Rely on reputable and well-established sources for information, especially when verifying facts or news.

                                                      It's important to note that AI-generated content is not inherently deceptive or harmful. In many cases, it serves legitimate purposes, such as chatbots providing customer support or AI-generated summaries of news articles. However, it's essential to remain aware of the potential presence of AI-generated content and use critical thinking when evaluating information online.

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