If the felt is leaking, (ten years is about the life for felt ) replace it with EPDM rubber.
Rubber $ Roofs (just a happy cutomer) have a calculator on their website. You fill in the dimensioms, and decide what trims you want. It calculates what is needed.
Ordered in the aftrenoon, delivered 0800 next day.
Ample rubber, adhesive, trims, and ring shank nails. (Make sure that you start putting them in where they should be. They are VERY difficult to remove )
When the job is finished, use a Stanley knife to remove the excess rubber (If you are like me; keep it, useful for other small jobs )
Neat, seasmless, and long lasting. We've had an EPDM roof on the garage for 30 years without leaks; hence the choice for the workshop.
Howard Typos galore!
Edited By Howard Lewis on 19/09/2023 14:39:27