Posted by Steviegtr on 10/12/2022 22:58:00:
So it has cost roughly £8 per day in the ever rising electricity. I have been considering for some time to fit the Chinese made diesel heater to the workshop of which a lot of youtube guys have done. Anyone tried them. It seems they are around 5kw flat out down to around 1kw on 1hz pump cycle. Doing a bit of searching there are quite a few vids of testing their usage of diesel.
Running Kerosine or red diesel it seems on low setting they cost around 12p per hour to run. In my Insulated workshop my heater runs (2kw) flat out for about an hr before hitting the thermostat setting of around 19-20 C. Then on & off as the temperature alters. …
It's possible to work this out , basically comparing the cost of an oil heater with the cost of electric.
- Diesel costs £1.83 per litre (Heating Oil £0.79)
- Burning a litre of oil produces about 9.5kWh
- Electricity is £0.28 per kWh, but might rise to £0.48
Before making the comparison, it's important to establish accurately how much electricity is being used. £8 per day is suspiciously high. How was it measured? I think it may be an over-estimate.
Assuming £8 is correct, at 0.28 per unit that's 28.6kWh, equivalent to 3 litres of diesel costing £5.49. Heating oil would cost £2.37, but this assumes a diesel heater can burn heating oil safely and efficiently. Probably OK but I'd be surprised if a youtuber had tested it: a heater run on the wrong oil might spew Carbon Monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons whilst wasting money.
A running cost of 12p/hour means a diesel oil heater is actually outputting 0.6kw, not '5kw flat out'. 5kWh would cost about £1, not 12p.
A disadvantage of oil heating is that a good percentage of the heat goes up the chimney, whereas electricity keeps it all in the room. How much heat is wasted by an oil heater depends on how the exhaust is arranged. A pipe running around the workshop before leaving the building will do better than one that exits immediately, but long pipes cause other problems.
Nonetheless, oil will cheaper than electricity in the long run. But it's important to understand what the long run is. In order to save money by burning oil, it's necessary to spend money first. The heater and it's power supply have to be bought and installed. The time and money are a dead-loss until the investment has been recovered. I'd guess about £200, which, if Steve's £8 is typical, means he has to spend 25 cold-days in the workshop before oil becomes cheaper. Thereafter, money is slowly saved, but only if the heating is used, and long cold-spells are unusual in the UK.
Northerners tell us they're tough compared with Southerners. Heating a workshop to 20° is too hot for this West Country softie! I run my house heating 5 hours a day at 18°C and don't heat the workshop at all. I prefer to work physically at 12 to 15°C, and usually the lights and machines are enough to take the chill off. But a huge amount depends on how well the workshop is insulated. Snow outside, and mine is at 10°C, not so bad if I dress warmly. Fortunately, I don't have to work in my garden shed – it's below zero.
The easiest way to save money is to turn the thermostat down! Try 18 rather than 20°C