YorkshireWater, French-owned now? (Like EDF – French State-owned…)
At least France is nearly local. It starts less than 400 miles South of Manchester Ship Canal.
My supplier, Wessex Water, is owned by a cement-hotels-&-quarrying outfit called YTL, based in Malaysia.
I used to be in favour of private-ownership, Not now, and not just because Mr. Blair sold me via a very dodgy deal indeed.
The services being State-owned avoids the heavy profit overhead that so often vanishes abroad, losing the nation's money, under the deceitful guise of "inward investment" – American lack of 's' , and all..
State ownership's problem is not the principle itself, in my view. It is that it lets Governments of all flavours, and a Treasury that only ever knows cost not value, keep playing with things they don't understand, in their efforts to be seen Doing Something Useful.
Nationalising them does not require all the administrators V8Eng alleges are thought necessary. It is politicians who think that, and won't let the real managers who know the business, manage them properly.
As for Government oversight… we have that now, more so than in the past! Whether effective or not is another matter. Maybe we need an OffOff to oversee the OffWat, Offcom, Offqual, Offxxx bodies set up after the great sell-&-destroy drives, to ensure that the new, privatised companies behave themselves. In theory.
(Is an Offqual, an unwell marsupial?)
Hopper –
I do not recall there ever being State-owned insurance companies. The other services you list, were, and I think should be, but insurance has always been commercial – but probably just as adept shysters then as now.