The current ME review by Roger Backhouse of Glasgow's "Riverside Museum", reminds me of visiting it – and the sailing-ship moored alongside – a few years ago.
Reminds me to, of an oddity.
Look carefully at his image (Photo 10) of the cab of the NBR locomotive… What is missing?
Same with another locomotive in the display, but not with the SAR one as I recall, perhaps because its regulator handle is less prominent.
I would love to know who removed the regulator handles, and why. I can think of no logical, sensible reason!
To be fair, this Transport Museum's curators do seem to understand what they are showing, despite some branding-consultant type re-naming it to hide its identity; and the exhibits carry reasonable explanations – not perfect but better than some I could mention. Blushing are you, NRM York, and Bernard Lovell Telescope "visitor-centre"?
The one exhibit that didn't ring true to me is the Ruston & Hornsby traction-engine. (Roger's Photo18). I don't know its history prior to arriving on the Clyde bank but it looks to be a general-purpose tractor vaguely converted to showman's trim, perhaps by a previous preservationist. Adorning the eaves with lamps is a preservation fashion not true to commercial travelling-fair life – but also, this engine has no dynamo and no sign it ever did! It seems to have had a hard life though – the tyres are quite severely worn.