A club member delivered a large log to HQ, intending it to be cut up to make new sleepers. It appears to be a hardwood, varying in colour from pale yellow to light brown and feels oily/greasy. I have cut it up into liftable lumps about 12 x 9 x 9", weighing approximately 15Kg each. Have so far found it easy to handsaw with a new, sharp saw, into 63 sleepers 8 x 1. 1/2 x 1", with several blocks left. Oodles of sawdust goes on garden with kitchen waste.
Club is investigating a supply of brown solid recycled plastic for replacement in future. Solid is necessary to securely hold the screws holding down the rails and signalling ramps, similar to Swindon practice. Model engineering suppliers contacted, only supply hollow plastic sleepers, which are unsuitable for our purpose.