Hi Col,
Yes, I did the drawing in AutoCad, saved it as a dxf file then converted it to a tap file in BobCad, I run the G codes in Mach3 operating system for the CNC mill, then crossed my fingers and toes,
I took very fine cuts to maintain a good surface finish, but I may cut another one with a higher spindle RPM (3200). I even thought about fixing a higher rpm spindle on the side of the miil to see how much better I can get it, I’m a little concerned about the rise in temparature when machining Ti. at high speed
In regards to the radius corners, if I leave the dimensions as they are I may square them off, however I was considering making the whole thing thinner, if so, I will leave the corners to maintain some strength. Once the drawing is done it is quite simple to change bits as required.
I don’t mind offering the file to anyone who would like it. hower I’m a self tort CNC hobbyist, so the file may not be the best, but it has done the job, also all care but no responsibility!!!