Apparently its stays lit for two minutes after the last movement…
What sort of movement? Second thoughts don't answer that.
I have done a couple of bathrooms with a few colour changing LEDs set low into the walls that are activated by a small flush mounted ceiling PIR. Just come on in the night if you don't want to turn the main lights on. The teenagers like them as they will flash intime with any music that is playing and the strobe function will wake anyone up. You can just see teh glow under the basin.
In similar vein, the late Bob Symes designed a system whereby when you were sat in state, a fan drew air out of the pan to control the odour. Presumably it had some sensor arrangement so it new when you were enthroned, and vented outside, but it might have been down the waste pipe after the U bend. If the latter it would need some kind of valve to keep the stink back when the fan wasn't running. Never seen this commercialised, but seems like a good ide to me. It would be difficult to back fit to modern close coupled systems.
since you now have full illumination why not post a copy of the official (well it’s used in hospitals) description + photos of said movements – I forget its name but saw it in use in some wards of local hospital
Never seen this commercialised, but seems like a good ide to me.
Edited By duncan webster on 12/12/2016 19:28:47
Toto make something similar, complete with shower, drier, deodorant, heated seat etc ("bidet toilet seat". I think they tend to use filters and deodorisers to contain and mask the pong, rather than a hose, as there is generally nowhere to terminate it. I think the Japs were keen adoptors, so you see them in Japan, Korea, China etc – and you see sometimes them for retro fitting here. There are quite a few clones now…
When I worked in the mad world of motor racing my office mate went out to Japan, only to discover that the hotel had microprocessor controlled bidets. He never did fully understand the instructions. It either did nothing or sent out a fountain that would have knocked you off the throne. That was around 1990.
I seem to remember hearing that the Bob Symes unit (I might be wrong) extracted via a connection into the water flush pipe, there is only air in that excepting under flushing conditions, so it would make sense.
I think there are special regulations about electrics in bath / shower rooms to consider before anyone fits stuff in them as well (no doubt one of the electrical bods on here could elaborate).
In similar vein, the late Bob Symes designed a system whereby when you were sat in state, a fan drew air out of the pan to control the odour. Presumably it had some sensor arrangement so it new when you were enthroned, and vented outside, but it might have been down the waste pipe after the U bend. If the latter it would need some kind of valve to keep the stink back when the fan wasn't running. Never seen this commercialised, but seems like a good ide to me. It would be difficult to back fit to modern close coupled systems.
In similar vein, the late Bob Symes designed a system whereby when you were sat in state, a fan drew air out of the pan to control the odour. Presumably it had some sensor arrangement so it new when you were enthroned, and vented outside, but it might have been down the waste pipe after the U bend. If the latter it would need some kind of valve to keep the stink back when the fan wasn't running. Never seen this commercialised, but seems like a good ide to me. It would be difficult to back fit to modern close coupled system
There was a similar system on "Dragon's Den" a few years ago but they pooh-poohed it!
Posted by Frances IoM on 12/12/2016 19:29:41:
since you now have full illumination why not post a copy of the official (well it's used in hospitals) description + photos of said movements – I forget its name but saw it in use in some wards of local hospital