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  • #257729
    Neil Wyatt

      I've been tidying up my workshop(!) today.

      I opened a long closed draw and found several tools I had been looking for including the brass-headed toolmaker's hammer.

      There was the broken shank of a 10mm drill (how did I break a 10mmm drill?), I thought there ain't much I can do with that and dropped it in the bin.

      There was a loud bang, followed by a sound like rain and I realised it must have hit, only from about a foot above, a medium sized piece of toughened glass I used as a flat surface before getting some granite worktop.

      Fifteen minutes later there were still little crackling noises coming from the bin.

      Twice in just over a month as I shattered some glass-topped scales by tapping them against the side of the toilet when sliding hem out to use. That was harder to clean up!

      Neil Wyatt
        John Stevenson 1

          Clumsy bastard

          Mike E.

            " BANG ! "

            The only important thing is, nobody got hurt. smiley

            Sam Longley 1
              Posted by Neil Wyatt on 24/09/2016 22:19:15:

              Twice in just over a month as I shattered some glass-topped scales by tapping them against the side of the toilet when sliding them out to use. !

              Any excuse not to tell if you are sticking to the diet sad


                Serves you right wasting a potentially useful bit of hardenable steel. You could at least have used it as a stub mandrel. cheeky

                not done it yet

                  Oh dear, it will not be long before you are looking for a short piece of approx 10mm diameter high speed steel to make a one-off cutter for something! You probably had an idea in mind when you saved it originally?smiley

                  As an aside, would not float glass be better as a flat surface? Less stresses?sad

                  Back to the recent CRT destruction thread? BTW, if it was a 10mm drill shank shirley you must have dropped it around 300mm. Not good, mixing units early on a Sunday morning.smiley


                    Some people play football on a Sunday…some like to play 'kick the Editor around the forum'!

                    I'm sure Neil expected nothing less!

                    teeth 2



                    Edited By OldMetaller on 25/09/2016 08:47:01


                      There was a loud bang, followed by a sound like rain and I realised it must have hit, only from about a foot above, a medium sized piece of toughened glass I used as a flat surface before getting some granite worktop.

                      There were drinking glasses like that, made from a form of toughened compressed plastic/glass, the petrol garages were giving them away free years ago if you bought enough fuel

                      If one was dropped the wrong way it exploded into a million pieces on contact with a hard surface

                      Ian S C

                        There were/are glass cups and saucers found in many Kiwi homes, these on occasion go BANG, just sitting in the cupboard. Another bit of glass that was having that problem was oven doors. The oven door on my sister and brother in law's boat exploded while they were some where near Fiji, fortunately no one was in the galley at the time.

                        Ian S C

                        Sam Longley 1
                          Posted by Ian S C on 25/09/2016 11:57:45:

                          There were/are glass cups and saucers found in many Kiwi homes, these on occasion go BANG, just sitting in the cupboard. Another bit of glass that was having that problem was oven doors. The oven door on my sister and brother in law's boat exploded while they were some where near Fiji, fortunately no one was in the galley at the time.

                          Ian S C


                          Edited By Sam Longley 1 on 25/09/2016 12:01:25

                          Neil Wyatt
                            Posted by not done it yet on 25/09/2016 08:34:14:

                            Oh dear, it will not be long before you are looking for a short piece of approx 10mm diameter high speed steel to make a one-off cutter for something!

                            If you can make a decent cutter out of the soft end of a drill, send me a stamped jiffy bag I'll fish it out of the bin for you.


                            Neil Wyatt
                              Posted by Sam Longley 1 on 25/09/2016 08:08:20:

                              Posted by Neil Wyatt on 24/09/2016 22:19:15:

                              Twice in just over a month as I shattered some glass-topped scales by tapping them against the side of the toilet when sliding them out to use. !

                              Any excuse not to tell if you are sticking to the diet sad

                              I have a replacement scales and an Excel graph*


                              *Martin – that is not an invitation to tell me how I would have lost weight faster using Libre Office instead!


                                Prince Rupert's Drops!

                                All you need to make x-mas gifts for the family is a blow-lamp…


                                  Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 25/09/2016 20:16:40:

                                  Prince Rupert's Drops!

                                  All you need to make x-mas gifts for the family is a blow-lamp…


                                  I thought this would be easy. Melt a tablespoon's worth of glass and pour it from a few feet high into a bucket of cold water. Then carefully retrieve the Drops from the bottom of the bucket and use them to make friends and influence people.

                                  Wrong again. A 'Camping Gaz' blow-lamp doesn't have the heat needed to melt broken bits of a glass Dolmio sauce jar, not even in a firebrick enclosure. It took a lot of welly just to soften the glass.


                                  I have a bigger Seivert and was ready for another go when it ran out of gas. As the spare cartridges are AWOL that was the end of that.

                                  Health and Safety note: broken glass is razor sharp and it may crack and spit when the flame first hits it. Gloves, googles and apron recommended.


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