Stuart no. 4 on mini machines?


Stuart no. 4 on mini machines?

Home Forums Stationary engines Stuart no. 4 on mini machines?

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  • #557163
    Alexander Nemeth 1

      Hey everyone, I’m getting ready to pull the trigger on a 7×16 lathe and 4.7”x18” vertical mill from little machine shop.

      I really want to machine a Stuart vertical steam engine and have my eye on the no.4.

      I already can tell that the 5” flywheel will require a little ingenuity as the swing over saddle on the lathe I want is only 4.3” (OD boring bar maybe?)

      Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the height of the standard on the Stuart no. 4 as that is the only part I’m unsure of and want to make sure it’ll fit in the mill for hole drilling operations.

      if anyone has anything to add on experience with the no.4 on smaller machines, I’d be happy to hear your thoughts and experiences.



      Alexander Nemeth 1

          The Standard is 4 9/16" tall which should not be too much of a problem if you clamp the feet or flange directly to the mill table. If you do have problems then stub length (screw Machine) drills can be used in a drill chuck or ER collet which is a bit shorter than the average drill chuck. If really pushed then hold in an R8 finger collet with an adaptor if the drill bit is not a stock collet size.

          A boring bar used upside down and the lathe run in reverse should allow you to turn the flywheel's face.

          Alexander Nemeth 1

            Thanks JasonB! Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for the video too! Great to see that operation in action.

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