I can't see from the photo, but my guess is that the resistor is connected as a bypass between the two sides of the switch, and also that it isn't a thermistor.
Photographic bulbs are notoriously short-lived because they are run at such high temperatures, which firstly causes the tungsten filament to evaporate quickly, and secondly causes a huge thermal shock at switch-on, which administers the coup-de-grace to an already tired filament.
I'm sure that the owner of the Gnome didn't want to modify his latest acquisition, so made a special-to-purpose adaptor lead to allow a soft start and make his expensive bulbs last longer. My father made something similar for his slide projector.
For similar reasons I made an adaptor panel I could plug my photoflood lights into, so I could run them in series for setting up and in parallel for the actual shoot.
George B.