Making flowers from metal. I pulled out the old chimney back boiler & thick walled copper tubing. Rather than throw the tubing away I made use of it making this. Aslso one in alloy. Next is one in brass, the sheet has just arrived. Brass is harder to work so may take longer. The stems have yet to be made & the buds.
Stangely all I did was buy a small hammer flat end type & sharpened it up a little on the grinder. Then gently pound the copper till it looks good. On the alloy one I used a cheap draper battery operated engraver & played around with it. These are my 1st attempts so hoping it will get better with practice. Regards Steve.
really cool works, I'm obsessed
lately I tried to do that exact thing, I used a color paint at first time from coles catalogue **LINK**, I expected smth better
Making flowers from metal. I pulled out the old chimney back boiler & thick walled copper tubing. Rather than throw the tubing away I made use of it making this. Aslso one in alloy. Next is one in brass, the sheet has just arrived. Brass is harder to work so may take longer. The stems have yet to be made & the buds.
I forgot to say that i had a youtube video of making these flowers. Here is the link for anyone who fancies having a go. Impress the wife or girlfriend.