I'm approaching making the valve gear for my latest little engine. I've got drawings for 2 stationary engines, Tubal Cain's Williamson and the Stuart Turner #4. Doing the sums gives cut off in ST#4 as 81% (assuming 0.005" lead), which seems about right, but the Williamson is 95% (assuming 0.002" lead). This seems more than a lot.
I'm not going for efficiency, more for steady running, but the Williamson has only 1/64" lap. It runs quite nicely, but so do ST#4s that I've seen. What do others use?
I've tried pasting in the spreadsheet results, but it overlaps the right hand side
Edited By duncan webster on 20/02/2021 17:55:49
Edited By duncan webster on 20/02/2021 17:58:31