Definitely insulate walls and roof with tockwool or gl;ass fibre.
My internal walls are lined with 12 mm ply. and shelf brackets are fixed through the lining to the verticals.
To maximise storage space, being only 10'9" x 6'9" externally, and for security, there are no windows.
ventilation is by a cpule of fixed vents at floor level, and a 6" fan near the ceiling, with a weatherproof hood on the outside.
If you have windows, fix grilles over them, retained by coach bolts, with the domed heads outside and the nuts inside.
The door hinges should be retained in the same way. I made hinge bolts by nturning off the heads of woodscrews and screwing them into the back of the door with a drill chuck, to leave about 25 bmm protruding. trying to cvlose the door marks the p;ost where to mdrill the holes..
In this way with the door closed and locked (The door has a 6 lever mortice lock, although 5 should be adequate ) the hinges cannmot be unmscrewd, and the door cannot be lifted out, even of the hinge pins have been knocked out.
Heating shopuld be dry (NO combustion heaters) If there is a combustion heater, the re must be a flue leading to outside, so that no water vapour can escape to the inside (Also, you don't want to gas yourself) Probably safest all round not have one, in the longer term )
Lighting, LED, lamps or battens, for energy saving and to have plenty of light., particularly over the machines and the fitting bench.