I've owned and ridden various bikes with twin leading shoe front brakes over the years and never experienced any failure to work while rolling backwards on a hill etc. And that included a BMW R75/5 and sidecar ridden over some 10,000 foot mountain passes in the Rocky Mountains USA. Pulled over several times on the steeper sections to let faster traffic go by and never had the rig roll backwards or any noticeable problem with the front brake.
Just went out in my shed this morning to double check and my latest Featherbed Norton special with a Norton twin leader front brake cannot be pushed backwards while the brake is applied. Simply will not budge.
Yes, you won't get full braking power out of what becomes a twin-trailing-shoe brake when used in reverse direction, but certainly enough to stop the bike rolling down a hill from a standstill, in my experience. A trailing shoe still has considerable braking power.
Other bikes I have owned with TLS front brake included a '69 BSA 650, a brace of Nortons, a '69 BSA Rocket 3 and a couple of 1971-72 Rocket 3s. Never noticed a problem with any of them re the front brake on reverse slopes either.
Edited By Hopper on 15/05/2023 01:03:26