Posted by paul mcquaid on 24/04/2023 18:14:39:
I don't know if anyone is interested in this item. But if you want a slim spanner to fit perfectly between the Myford ML7 jacking nut, without ruining a spanner by having to grind it thinner, I found this on Amazon. Sourcing Map Thin Open End wrench, 14mm x 15mm metric £6.99 free P&P Which for less than £7 saves a lot of time trying to decide "Do I really want to grind down one my spanners? What if I find I need it someday for some heavy duty work and it needs its full thickness?"
I don't know about anyone else on here but I go into panic mode if I can't use a tool for what it is designed for? So when I saw this I thought not only is is it ideal for my Myford setting up, But I'm sure I'll use it for other hard to access jobs too..
That doesn't happen to me, I'll take the grinder to spanners, sockets etc without a second thought. And I've never met a long-term mechanic without a collection of similarly modified tools somewhere in their box. A couple of mine include a 30mm spanner cut in half and the jaws slimmed to ease the removal of Yak 18 oil lines, and the open end of an 11mm spanner with a socket welded to it making a sort-of-crows-foot to make loosening/tightening the securing nuts for the air compressor possible, let alone easy.