Posted by JasonB on 16/06/2020 10:10:52:
Steam pumps seem to manage OK.
Would you have to gear it 2:1 as you say you want to raise the weight on the power stroke so most steam engines are double acting but that may help if the dropping weight were used to carry it over TDC and BDC
Please explain the motion – the statement 'Steam pumps seem to manage OK' is pehaps just a little arrogant…
pgkpgk implies/mentions/questions a crank in the process – your statement implies no crank, but a double acting piston cylinder arrangement – in which I presume the piston is forced one way by the pressure of steam/air/ or whatever, on the one piston face, and when topped out, the force is applied to the other face, pushing the piston the other way. There is no crank involved, and so the discussion is moot.
You statement still talks of BDC and TDC, so , mixing concepts again, I assume you are converting linear motion to rotary – which was not part of PgkPgk' question, but nevertheless, the same problem manifests – if there were no flywheel impetus at all, there is no reason for the crank to go round once TDC or BDC is reached.
Perhaps PGK could explain a little more as to what he has in mind?