Sun and planet doubles the flywheel speed, honest. Think of it as follows:
consider the gear attached to the con rod to be loose
turn the crank one rev, the loose gear will roll around the gear on the crankshaft and do one turn around the crankpin
in reality it can't turn, it's fastened to the con rod, so rotate it back around the crankpin one turn to where t should be.
the crankshaft will do another rev, so it has now done 2 revs
As others say it was a dodge to get round patent, but driving the flywheel at double speed made it have the same effect as quadrupling the flywheel mass, as the energy stored increases as speed squared
And I don't reckon Jason's gears are epicyclic anyway, there is no sun gear.
Edited By duncan webster on 25/05/2020 20:52:02