Making parallel motion links for Stuart Beam engine


Making parallel motion links for Stuart Beam engine

Home Forums Stationary engines Making parallel motion links for Stuart Beam engine

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  • #464019
    Lee Wallis

      Can anyone help me with a link to a video or just advice on how to fabricate the parallel motion links for the Stuart beam engine? How does one shape the part to get the "fishbelly" features. For that matter, how do you machine the basic shaft profile?

      Thanks in advance for your help,


      Novice Machinist

      Lee Wallis

          Have a read ofmy couple of posts in this thread

          I would put a very small ctr drill hole in one end of the material then hold in the 4-jaw with tailstock support to first turn a parallel section and then shape as above. when done drill and ream the two holes and finally use filing buttons to round the ends. The holes can be drilled before turning and the button scribed around then that line acts as a guide where to stop turning.

          Edited By JasonB on 11/04/2020 16:55:37

          Mick B1

            I just used bits of 1/4" x 1/8" flat BDMS strip with a radius filed on the ends. But I was short of time in those days. laugh

            Edited By Mick B1 on 11/04/2020 17:14:00

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