I think JB is right. Your 2” rings are, more than likely, smaller than you expect.
How are you measuring the diameter? If not by fitting it to a ring of the proper diameter, you will get misleading results. Think here, if you are ‘squashing the ring to diameter, in one direction, it will elongate in the perpendicular axis.
One cannot (should not) fit oversized rings in a smaller hole by filing the ring ends to give the correct gap, so the converse is true – a smaller diameter ring will have far too much gap but will also not seat properly against the cylinder wall.
I only did, or do, ICE rebuilds where the minimum ring clearance is 3.5-4 thous. per inch bore diameter for engines that are not ’hotted up’.
Look on the Hastings website (or any other ring manufacturer or engine builder) for more detailed info,