I'm currently slowly trundling through my Stuart 10H build and have realised I'll soon have to think about boilers, and all the fun stuff like feed pumps and such. I'd quite like the exhaust from the 10H to feed up the chimney as a primitive blast pipe (Actually more for the look of the thing) so I figure it would be good sense to have a condenser in order to dry the steam a little first. Also it makes sense to pass the exhaust steam pipe through a coil in the bottom of the water feed tank in order to transfer a chunk of heat to the water, helping with the condensing process.
In my mind (and crude sketches in my lunch hour) I figured I would put the exhaust pipe in a coil in the feed tank which would cool the steam somewhat (And pass a few motes of heat to the water) and then feed that into the condenser. I was just planning a pot-type of condenser that would help to separate any steam oil from the mix. The intention obviously would be to try to minimise any restrictions to the steam exiting the system.
Can you see any issues with that idea? I did wonder if it would cause water to collect in the pipe but I guess the constant flow of exhaust steam would keep it moving into the condenser/oil separator.
Thanks chaps,