Hi Jon,
I don't have a wood-burning stove either but (as I've mentioned elsewhere here recently) – I do have a garden incinerator.
I compost or 'brown-bin' my soft cuttings but any 'wood' is dried out, cut or chopped up and burnt in the incinerator. I wait till I have a bright fire going (with a red-hot ash bed) and lower the part(s) in to rest on top. I then keep feeding the fire for an hour or so and then let it burn overnight with the lid on.
Next day, there will still be hot ashes in the bottom and the parts will still be pretty warm but the wood fire doesn't get hot enough to damage any steel/cast iron parts. I did once try wrapping a part in kitchen foil to help keep it clean – but the foil melted. So aluminium parts/castings may get damaged doing this but wouldn't benefit from any heat treatment anyway. But for hard spots in castings and for de-stressing steel parts this seems to work OK though… I will eventually get around to trying case-hardening in it as well…