Whilst at the Midlands MEX I took this picture of an engine on the Hereford SME stand which I posted on my website. A comment suggested that I had mis-identified the engine. The display label says: Stuart 6A to a John Bertinat design.
Looking at Stuarts website the 6A is a compound the commenter suggested that the photo might be of a 5A but the 5A is a singe vertical. I cannot find any info about this particular John Bertinat engine although he has designed quite a few others.
Does anyone recognise the engine or know of this particular design variation. It looks to me like two 5A's back to back or similar. Unfortunately I can't scale the image easily as there are no size references in any of the photos I took but it is probably 200mm to 300mm high from memory.
Thanks. John
Edited By Journeyman on 16/10/2016 11:33:27