I'm glad I didn't respond immediately to your question about whether or not heat would be required since someone has kindly experimented for you. Not knowing the precise material, it would be a concern that some yellow metals can go hot short, eg break easily when heated.
I was trying to remember how my Number 1 was done..it is in storage at the moment while I prepare to move so I couldn't just look at it. JasonB's picture jogged my memory, it is like that except the fork on mine is the other way around. By doing that with the correct offset the two eccentrics are close to each other and the expansion link is lined up with the gap between them.
The double 10 valve gear came with the screwed rods one being bent with the offset and the other straight. I must admit I did not much like the idea, too many threads to come loose, so made my own, which as was commented earlier means you can make them out of more authentic steel, The connecting rods for that engine are also steel as are the expansion links so I had quite a few Stuart parts left over. Still…my triple only came with the bedplate, (not directly from Stuarts) so all the other parts have been made from scratch.