Aloris and also Dorian are the trade names of similar and compatible US made Quick Change Toolposts. They are not cheap.
The much more affordable Chinese clones can be found on eBay, a search for "AXA Toolpost" (without the quotes) should turn up a few examples. AXA indicates the size, this is suitable for lathes up to around 12" swing; for larger lathes, the next size up would be the BXA.
As mentioned by Andrew, there are two different kinds of toolposts; the wedge type and the slightly cheaper piston type – the actual toolholders are interchangeable. From what I have read, the wedge type is considered by many people to be preferable, it supposedly has better holding power, but I cannot vouch for this.
About 6 months ago I bought an AXA wedge type toolpost set from CDCO TOOLS, after factoring in shipping to here in Canada they offered a better deal than what I could find on eBay at the time. So far I have been very happy with the toolpost,
Off topic – eBay Global Shipping program:
This is the biggest rip-off imaginable. A book I have been searching for, for ages was recently listed on eBay. The Global Shipping price quoted for the A4 sized book of around 100 page from the US to Canada was $19.42
I contacted the seller who agreed to ship it via the much more reasonable US Postal service, so I subsequently bid on and won the book. Unfortunately the eBay system would not allow the seller to invoice the lower price, so in the end, as I really very much wanted the book and rather than renege on the deal, I agreed to pay the $19.42 for Global Shipping. The book arrived today, a very long two weeks after the seller had dispatched it via the programme, and here's the kicker, the US Postage paid on the padded envelope it arrived in was only $3.17 to say I am furious at eBay is an understatement!
Edited By clivel on 02/04/2015 06:17:56