Hello Mani, first of all take a photo of the motor terminal block as it is now( in motor working mode). Hopefully you have a multi meter or a plain Ohmmeter, better still can you see making on the wires such as U1 & U2 which are the run winding wires. Also Z2, CA4, CA2, SW and CA1 & CA3. Having now got the picture or sketch of the original terminal layout remove the both links and locate U1 & U2. I think the two blue wires are connected to terminal which is CA1 & CA3. A blue wire to each capacitor. John
U1 to Dewhurst terminal 5,
U2 to Dewhirst terminal 7
Z2 to DH terminal 2
CA1& CA3 to DH terminal 6
. 240 volt supply to 1 & 3. Locating U1 & U2 the run winding is important.