Posted by Neil Wyatt on 30/09/2019 13:50:28:
Are you familiar with how you can take a sine wave, then add in its odd harmonics and the final waveform approaches a sine wave?
Last time I looked at Fourier analysis adding in-phase odd harmonics of reducing amplitude to a sine wave approximated a square wave.
I had a quick go with the simulator; compared to some it is easy to use. I didn't register or login, but I didn't try and save anything. I have an AD login, so it's possible my computer remembered it anyway.
Warning: Skip this bit if maths isn't your thing!
It's interesting the way the simulator switches between filter characteristics without so much as a by your leave. Like all simulators they can be useful if one understands the theory, but if one doesn't then they can lead one into a cul de sac. Via Wikipedia I've just read the original paper by Butterworth from 1930. Of course that was long before opamps and RC filters, so everything is valves and L, C and R. The intent of the original paper was to design filters that were maximally flat in the passband without compromising the roll off. In other words the amplitude characteristic is monotonic and flat in the passband, which it appears previous filters were not. It's interesting to note that the original article only refers to second order sections. The concept of single real poles isn't mentioned, so the original Butterworth filters could only be even order.
In order to understand filters an appreciation of the complex s-plane, and poles and zeros is useful. On the s-plane the x-axis is sigma, a measure of how a signal decays and the y-axis is j times omega, complex frequency. A pole is a point of inifinite value and a zero is just that, zero. If a rubber sheet is stretched over the poles, and nailed down at the zeros, then a section along the y-axis will give the frequency response of the filter. There are some constraints, for stability all poles must be in the lefthand half, ie, sigma is negative. Poles always come in complex conjugate pairs. A special case is when omega is zero in which case the two poles are coincident, and real, on the x-axis.
The filter simulator starts off with Bessel filters, which are maximally flat in group delay, ie, signal distortion in time is minimised. This is at the expense of roll off. Pole position is determined from Bessel functions, hence the name. As more roll off is required the program switches to Butterworth which as stated is maximally flat in amplitude in the passband. So no amplitude distortion and faster roll off, but at the expense of non-linear group delay giving time distortion of the signal. A Butterworth filter only has poles, and those poles are equi-spaced, and lie on, a circle. As yet more roll off is required the filter characteristic becomes Chebyshev, which allows ripple in the passband in return for faster roll off while still being monotonic in the stop band. Technically these are type 1 Chebyshev fillters. Type 2 Chebyshev filters are flat in the pass band but have ripple in the stop band – never seen them used. A type 1 Chebyshev filter is also pole only, and the poles lie on an ellipse. In the limit as the ellipse becomes a circle the passband ripple reduces to zero and the filter becomes Butterworth. Although not used in the simulator the fastest roll off is with an elliptic filter that has poles on an ellipse giving ripple in the pass band and zeros on the y-axis giving ripple in the stop band.
It took me a while to find the design where the capacitor values are uniform; in the multi-feedback circuit. The Sallen-Key arrangement is the classic filter circuit mentioned in all text books. It's ok but can have problems implementing high Q sections. There are better, but more complex, circuits available such as the biquad.
The tolerance feature of the simulator was useful, and very quick. Not sure how it worked, seemed a bit fast for a proper Monte Carlo anaylsis?
I had to look up the Linkwitz circuit. Looks a bit odd with T-sections in the input and feedback paths. It's not high enough on my priority list to do a proper analysis. In the past I've used Tina from Texas Instruments as a simple circuit simulator. I expect it is based on Spice internally but has a graphical input interface. Ah, I see Kiwi Bloke is using Linux, in which case he's probably out of luck for a simple simulator.
I'm with Bob Pease on circuit simulators. They have their uses, but are only as good as the component models. Ultimately prototyping trumps the theory and simulation.