Help !
I am looking to fit a power feed to my WM 16 table, I have a 12v wiper motor, a Potentiometer for speed control & a DTDP switch for Fwd -Off- rev but am looking to fit a 240v AC – 12v DC transformer for the supply as I don't have a battery charger (pinched when low life got into my garage) I would prefer to have a 'wall wart type.. simply plug into 13 amp socket connect to DTDP & away it to I on the right track & what type of transformer (Wall wart) would be suitable? I am assuming that I could remove the round pin connector from a cheap wall wart & connect to the DTDP… or maybe Maplins have a connector.. if you get my drift
I have looked on e bay & there are hundreds to pick from… confusing.. I looked particularly at ..
is this feasible/suitable considering it says it is a LED driver?
I don't know what amps the motor will draw when connected to the leadscrew as am in the dark as far as electrics / electronics goes., I want to K.I.S.S. in assembly & not looking for 'spaghetti junction' set up. I'm sure that some of you Electronic whizz kids could help.