Identity of an old engine


Identity of an old engine

Home Forums Stationary engines Identity of an old engine

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  • #111598
    Maurice Cox 1

      Can anyone identify this old engine please? The cast iron flywheel is 3" in diameter, anf the engine is 6" long overall. The cylinder and bed are cast in one in brass. The bore is about 3/8". There are no markings anywhere. At some time, a brass block has been soldered to the pedestal. I intend to remove this. Any sugestions about the maker would be welcome. Thankyou.old toy engine 001 adj.jpg

      Maurice Cox 1

          Looks like a little scratch built engine with a casting as a flywheel.



            … or it could be a Stuart made Bassett Lowke 'Tangye' engine.

            Have a look at eBay 121061625306, which was sold earlier today, and also gives a fuller description.

            The Emerald Isle

            Sub Mandrel

              Looks like you are right Dave:




              Michael Gilligan

                Nice find, Neil & Dave

                Lucky man, Maurice

                Maurice Cox 1

                  Thanks for the feedback gents. I'm sure it is the same engine as in the link to the Basset-Lowke catalogue page. Thanks again.


                  Ian S C

                    Wouldn't it be nice to buy the castings, or the engine at the advertised pricewink 2. Ian S C

                    Maurice Cox 1

                      It certainly would be great to be able to buy the castings today, even at a relistic present day price. I have dismantled it now. Everything came undone nicely. The screws are tiny, but not B.A. Perhaps Whitworth; I have seen them listed down to 1/16". The flywheel has been very nicely machined, and incorporates the eccentric. The connecting rod, and the eccentric rod are made from nickel silver. No percepable wear in the strap but the eye the other end is very worn, as is the little end on the con. rod. The finish on the bed / cylinder casting is quite poor under the paint (whats left of it). Perhaps it was purchased with a finished flywheel, and the rest, home done, as Bob sugested. The slde valve is tiny, and very well made. Its all a bit of a mixture realy. I intend to repaint it, and probably do somethig about the worn parts, without discarding anything . I will post a picture when its done. Thanks again for all the feedback.


                      Ian S C

                        Maurice, If it were me, the warn holes I would either bore them out, and bush them back to size, or make enlarged pins. The Stuart engine I redid was very rough, and I cleaned it up quite a bit, then as I painted it, I rubbed it down with fine wet and dry paper between coats on the green parts of the engine, the black bits are satin black spray, from a can. There are quite a few bits I'm not too happy with, but the orrigional brief was just get it working, and when I did I suggested it would be hard to let it go, so the owner said "you look after it at your place", He only lives about 100m from my place. Ian S C

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