For my first prints i had same issues , i found that i was setting the nozzle off the bed 0.2mm and had the initial layer height set in cura at 0.2mm as well so i ended up with 0.4 mm height and no amount of glue will fix that so i adjusted the settings in cura to as low as it would let me go to zero .
I found a lot if info on makers muse youtube channel and Thomas sanladerer chanel also .
Did you built the printer or get it pre built ? If it was pre built i should have come from prusa pre calibrated so i would say your settings in your slcer programme are to blame .
This manual has all the set up and calibration settings for your printer , you can do a lot of fine tuning via the lcd and control knob on the printer and they have way more features than my geeetech i3 !