Choice of first Stuart Turner Kit?


Choice of first Stuart Turner Kit?

Home Forums Stationary engines Choice of first Stuart Turner Kit?

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  • #104686
    B Tulley


      I'm considering having a go at building a Stationary Engine (my first) and am considering either the Stuart 10V, 10H or S50 castings as the basis. Can anyone advise which to go for please, or indeed which to avoid, bearing in mind this is my first? I'll be maching it up at College, so equipment and guidance is not a problem. Many thanks.


      B Tulley

          There is really very little in it so more of a case of build which one appeals to you the most. The S50 is probably the easiest closely followed by the 10H and then the 10V as the "A" frame can be a bit tricky to hold.

          The 10 series has the advantage of more reference material in either book form or on the web such as Harold Hall's build series


          Captain Biggles

            I've just started my first – an S50. Only reason I chose it though was it was the cheapest horizontal engine they made (I had / have a preference for horizontal over vertical) so can't advise for / against the others though.

            Have been impressed by the castings, kit and drawings so far. Tubal Cains has a write up in Model Engineering for the S50 if you're worried about the lack of books etc.

            Good luck!



              Hi Brian,

              I'm just about to start the S50 as my second engine. I chose it because like Joel above I like mill engines. It's slightly larger than the 10H. There are a series of articles somewhere on the net detailing Tubal Cain's approach to building it. I can't remember where I found them but if you search he called it "Sally".




                I fully endorse Jasons comments. If you go with the 10 H or V it will be very useful to have Harold's write up to "hold your hand" as you proceed. My experience with ST castings ( albeit from some years ago) is that they are of good quality and without hard spots or blow holes.

                The only "difficulty" with machining at college is that the machinery is probably used to dealing with rather larger "stuff" than these small steam engines! It will still deal with the small ST parts of course but the set-ups may be more fiddly. The other problem I found at evening classes ( apart from that they were too short!) was that tools were often blunt or, again, destined for larger projects – so you will get practice in sharpening. It may be a good idea to reserve or supply your own tool bits for the project and keep them with your part completed work so that you don't need to waste time searching for and sharpening the tools each time.

                I guess all the college equipment is metric and, unless things have changed, ST stuff is imperial. Again not a big problem but something to bear in mind as you will need to decide on one or the other and carry out the appropriate conversions – buy a cheap pocket calculator to keep in your overall pocket.



                Edited By NJH on 26/11/2012 17:53:37

                Sub Mandrel

                  The booklet on building the 10V rpeeats all the drawings with metric and imperial dimensions.

                  I built mine exactly as per the booklet, the fiorst and last things I've done 'by the book' and it went without a hitch. I was especially pleased with the simple notched clamps to hold the A-frame on the faceplate.



                    As Jason says personal preference comes to the fore in the choice between horizontal or vertical engines, the making of bits is the making of bits whichever configuration they are going tio end up in.

                    I finished a 10V a couple of months ago as my second project and used both Harold Hall's series in ME and the published booklet (which was primarily bought because it had the drawings converted to metric measurement) for guidance. I found that in many instances I took advice from the 2 sources and then found my own way of doing things. The Standard, or "A" frame, posed no particular difficulties in milling the feet and cylinder mounting face and as you are working at College I guess you will have access to a milling machine as well as a lathe.

                    I also have a 10H which I assembled from a ready machined kit and find that they are both equally fascinating to watch running. It really matters not what you build as long as you do it as well as you can and at the end see the thing spinning over. The sense of achievement is surprisingly gratifying.


                    B Tulley

                      Hi all,

                      Many thanks for all the replies and advice! I like the look of the S50 the most, so I think this will be the basis for my "first go". I understand that the castings are available from various suppliers as well as direct from Stuart Models; are the prices similar or does any one particular retailer offer a better deal by any chance? Many thanks.




                        Tubal Cain articles are available on this very site, linked to from near the end of this thread


                        in ten PDFs. Worth downloading if you are buying the S50.


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