Firstly thanks for some interesting comments!
Regarding repairing or making small series of paperback book.
I remember following from my time working in my fathers printing workshop as teenager in the early to mid 90ties.
Clap the stack of loos paper sheets it is intended to transform into a booklet with what is becoming to be its back, so it has an overhang of approximately 50mm of a table edge.
Bend the overhang down and role with a circular shaped brush bookbinding glue one the back, bend the overhang up and repeat the rolling motion of adding of glue. This will secure that there comes 1 to 2mm of glue in between the searched glued paper sheets!
Bend the stack back to it initial position and glue now a band of gauze to the back.
After the bookbinding glue is dry, trim the gauze so it fits the size of the back and if you are making more books in one go separate them with a knife (do not use a too shape one to avoid that it cuts into the paper sheets instead of separating them)
It is now time to add the cover. Prebend it so it fits the back of the book and add two extra bends in the opposite direction approximately 5mm from these! This will help to get the glue a bit around the corner of the back and help avoiding that the glue is broken when the book is opened by its user!
If something more resilient solution is searched, without going all the way to stitching, a book can also be composed out of a stack of stapled booklets (now we are almost back to where I started 😊). The trick is here to let the staples have its ends outwards and shift there positions so two booklets on top of each other not have their staples directly on top of each other. Your stack of booklets is then clamped and glued in the same way as described above!
PS for the reorganization of pages when a book or book let is searched made; a program such as CutePDF will be a great help! **LINK**